Monday 29 October 2012

WWE Hell in a Cell

28th October 2012

Atlanta, Georgia

I'll admit that I was looking forward to this one, even booked the day off work to watch it. But as it got closer, I started to realise something; I'd heard the PPV itself be referred to as 'Hell in a Cell', but not once did I hear an announcer or commentator actually reference that any of the matches would take place in the cell that the event is named after. Seems strange... Like the cell doesn't even really matter.

So what matches would be in the cell?

And there were a couple of other questions to be answered tonight: Would Dolph cash in Money in The Bank? Would Brock Lesnar appear? Would Big Show be able to put on a decent match for once?


A dull question and answer session just so Cena can get a paycheck. Dolph has a pointless run in, will this be all we see of him tonight?

Randy Orton vs Alberto Del Rio

Starting with this match was not a great idea. The opening bout needs to bring action and excitement. Has anyone ever been excited about a Del Rio match? I'm not a fan of Del Rio in the slightest. I can appreciate his wrestling style, I can appreciate his character, but the guy is just dull. How many times can we see him focus solely on the arm of his opponent before we all chew our own limbs off in frustration? Orton is a decent worker, but that's not enough to get our blood pumping. Orton scored the pinfall in the end with a decent RKO. Let's hope this feud is over.

Team Hell No (c) vs Team Rhodes Scholars

Since when did we start putting 'Team' at the beginning of their names? We know they're a team, stop treating us like children.

It was a good match, if a little lacking in excitement again in places. They've got three of WWE's best and brightest in the ring so it would be difficult for them not to have a decent match. We can tell that this feud is far from over as the match finishes with a disqualification, setting up the inevitable rematch at some point. The main news from the match is the fact that Bryan and Kane seemed to be even further from the same page than usual. How long until they really do go head-to-head?

Kofi Kingston (c) vs The Miz

I would have opened the event with this match. I'm not saying it was brilliant, but it does have that quicker pace, plus a couple of really good spots that get the crowd making some noise; Kofi's diving roll over the steps brought a nice bit of parkour into the mix. Kofi retains the title and I'm looking forward to seeing who he gets next.

Antonio Cesaro (c) vs Justin Gabriel

These two have had a couple of great matches during recent weeks, so I was glad this was added to the card. Cesaro didn't start strongly for me when he came into WWE, but I think he's been gathering momentum over the last couple of months, and ditching Oksana was definitely the right move. Both wrestlers put on a great match whilst the mostly silent but now disrespectful Atlanta crowd chant 'WE WANT RYDER'. Cesaro retained the title and is still the US Champion.

Rey Mysterio & Sin Cara vs Primetime Players

Or should I be calling them 'Team Primetime Players'? Whatever I'm calling them, they lost. Darren Young gets pinned by Rey after a fun match, whilst Sin Cara nurses his head on the outside after landing a move badly.

Shaemus (c) vs Big Show

Was it just me that assumed this would be in the cell? Hmmm... Nevertheless, this was better than expected! I'm not a huge Shaemus fan, but I don't dislike him either. Usually it depends on who he's working with as to whether he has a good match or not and, with Big Show in the opposite corner, I was ready to go for a pee break. Thankfully though, I decided to cross my legs and sit through it, as the match turned out to be pretty good. Of course there was nothing too technical here; there wasn't a single spinning toe hold or shooting star press to be seen. What this match did do is rely on the story telling, and it was a story that was told well. I'm not happy that it ended with Big Show becoming champion, but as far as the match goes, I was happy with how it came across.

Eve Torres (c) vs Layla vs Kaitlyn

I know that nobody cares about the women's matches and, since I didn't get to pee during that last match, now seems like the perfect time. To be fair to these three Divas though, they wrestled a well worked out match, the highlight for me being Eve putting some interesting submission maneuvers on Kaitlyn. Predictably enough Eve retained, but stuck between two big main events, I think they did well at retaining my interest.

CM Punk (c) vs Ryback

11 minutes. That's it. The match everyone was waiting for all night and we get 11 minutes! Not that it wasn't a decent 11 minutes because it was, they carried on doing the storytelling style of match up that Big Show and Shaemus pulled off earlier on in the night, with Heyman constantly stroking Punk's ego from the outside as he throws everything he has at Ryback. Nothing phases Ryback for long and it looks like he might even take the title, that is until the ref delivers a low blow and a very fast count, allowing Punk to retain the title. It finishes with Ryback taking his frustrations out on the ref, before chasing a frightened Punk up to the top of the cage and delivering a Shellshock on the steel.

I think we all knew that the PPV would end with Punk retaining the title, we just didn't know how it was going to happen. I can see why it happened the way it did, but that doesn't mean I have to like it; the finish felt cheap, and the match seems like it might as well never have happened.

No, Dolph didn't cash in Money in the Bank.

No, Brock didn't appear.

And no, this isn't going to be one of the more memorable PPVs of the year.

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